Author Archives: TMS

Film Night – Travelling Salesman

Important update – Professor Samworth’s talk has been rescheduled to the week after (29 Oct).

This Monday (22 Oct), we will be hosting our Film Night instead. The film will be ‘Travelling Salesman’ – brief description in a haiku.

Exciting thriller

What might it mean if you solve

P equals NP?

Film Night – Travelling Salesman

Date and Location: Monday 22 Oct, 8:30pm.Winstanley Lecture Theatre.

There will be some snacks (but no alcohol). We hope to see lots of you there.

A Simple Proof of a Major Result – Prof. Béla Bollobás

Our first talk will be given by Professor Béla Bollobás – details below. Please note that the location is the CMS (Centre of Mathematical Sciences), not the Winstanley Lecture Theatre.

‘A Simple Proof of a Major Result’
Prof. Béla Bollobás (DPMMS)

Date and Location: Friday 12 October, CMS MR2, 7:00 PM

The solutions of highly rated problems that have remained unsolved for decades tend to be long and complicated. Although this is what we have come to expect, this is not always the case: occasionally a novel approach leads to a remarkably short and beautiful solution. In my talk I shall give a particularly striking example of a simple solution of a notoriously difficult problem emerging out of the blue.

TMS Fresher’s Squash 2018

Our first event of the year is our Fresher’s Squash, which will be held at 7:30PM on Wednesday 3rd October, at the Junior Parlour in Trinity College. This will be a chance to find out a bit more about the society, meet the committee, enjoy a few nibbles and perhaps pay the tiny £2.50 required for lifetime TMS membership.

TMS Garden Party 2018

As your series of exams draws to an end,
It’s time to celebrate with all your TMS friends.
With strawberry, chocolate, vanilla and brown bread ice cream,
Join us for our Garden Party on the Fellows’ Bowling Green.

TMS Garden Party

Date: Saturday 9th June, 1pm to 3pm
Location: Trinity College Fellows’ Bowling Green (or the Wren cloisters if wet)

The entrance to the bowling green is next to the clock tower in Great Court. There will also be Pimm’s and some other light refreshments.

We hope to see lots of you there!

Best wishes,
Michael Ng
TMS Secretary

Annual Cricket Match

The TMS annual cricket match against the Adams’ Society (St John’s mathematical society) will be taking place next on the 15th June at 1pm on the Trinity Old Fields.

Drinks and snacks will be provided and all are welcome to attend!

If you are interested in playing, please email Peter Andreev on .

TMS AGM 2018

The TMS Annual General Meeting happened on Thursday 8th March, and a new committee was elected as follows:

President Warren Li
Vice President Peter Andreev
Secretary Michael Ng
Junior Treasurer David Veres
Membership Secretary David Tao
Constable George Fortune

We would like to thank the previous committee for their excellent work this year.

Prof Colm-Cille Caulfield – The Mathematics of Spin

Tonight’s talk will be given by Professor Colm-Cille Caulfield

Speaker: Prof Colm-Cille Caulfield
Title: The Mathematics of Spin
Abstract: Dynamical systems where there is significant rotation or “spin” are (perhaps) surprisingly common. In this talk, I will discuss the fascinating, and often deeply counter-intuitive, mathematics and physics underlying several examples of interest, including fidget spinners, sport balls, hurricanes and, of course, cocktails.

The talk will take place at 8:30PM on Monday 5 March in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre. As usual there will be free port and juice served before the talk at 8:15PM. This talk is for members only, but there will be a chance to sign up for TMS life membership for £2.50.

Symposium 2018

This year’s Trinity Mathematical Society Symposium is running from 11:00 to 18:00 on Sunday 26nd February. We have talks by fellows and PhD students, ranging across all areas of mathematical research. The event is free and open to all; no particular specialist knowledge is assumed. There is no need to stay for the whole day – just drop in on talks you find interesting. Click on the speakers/titles in order to view abstracts.

The program is:



19:45 –                Annual Dinner

Dr Tim Griffin – Adventures in Algebraic Path Problems

Tonight’s talk will be given by Dr Tim Griffin

Speaker: Dr Tim Griffin
Title: Adventures in Algebraic Path Problems
The classic problem of finding shortest paths in a directed graph can be generalised to finding paths taking path weights in a large class of semirings. This approach has been developed over the last fifty years, with many interesting applications. However, if we try to model some existing Internet routing protocols using semirings we see that the distributivity law [a(b +c) = ab + ac] is often violated. Since distributivity is vital in semiring theory, we are forced to explore what, if anything, can be accomplished with such “impoverished” algebraic structures.

The talk will take place at 8:30PM on Monday 19 February in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre. As usual there will be free port and juice served before the talk at 8:15PM. This talk is for members only, but there will be a chance to sign up for TMS life membership for £2.50.

Dr Holly Krieger – A Tour of the Mandelbrot Set

Tonight’s talk will be given by Dr Holly Krieger

Speaker: Dr Holly Krieger
Title: A Tour of the Mandelbrot Set
The Mandelbrot set is a famous image, but its mathematical content is much less widely known. We’ll take a mathematical walk around the Mandelbrot set, visiting the minibrots and the Feigenbaum point. We’ll stop at the rabbit, corabbit, and airplane, and answer the question: what happens when you twist the ears of the rabbit? We’ll find the freshman sum and the Fibonacci sequence. Finally, we’ll provide one answer to the question every mathematician wonders when they first meet the Mandelbrot set: why do we care about this pretty picture?

The talk will take place at 8:30PM on Monday 5 February in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre. As usual there will be free port and juice served before the talk at 8:15PM. This talk is for members only, but there will be a chance to sign up for TMS life membership for £2.50.