Author Archives: TMS
Easter Reading Material
Well Wishes to the TMS Community, TMS AGM 2020-21 Results
The TMS Committee wishes everyone good health and safety through this difficult time. Thank you for being part of the 101-year-old TMS community. We are exploring options for remote events during Easter Term. The TMS AGM happened at the end of term, and a new committee for 2020-2021 was elected:
Constable: –
We are indeed going through difficult times, and indeed, it’s hard to take away anything positive from these circumstances. So I’ll add a mathematical joke in the hope that this email might bring you some light entertainment… (answer below)
TMS Symposium 2020
The TMS is back with its annual symposium, followed by the TMS Dinner. We have a fantastic line-up of speakers – from functional programming to colouring cubes, elliptic curves to basilisk lizards, and even using number theory in the Standard Model.
The full schedule can be found below and here:
TMS Symposium – 7th of March 2020 – Winstanley Lecture Theatre
The fluid-mechanics of CO2 sequestration – Prof. John Lister (DAMTP)
analogue laboratory experiments and numerical simulations.
Using maths to clean-up our oceans – Dr Thomas Crawford
This talk will provide a more in-depth look at the content of the Numberphile video: where does river water go?<> Rivers are the major source of pollution in the oceans and if we are to clean them up, we first need to know
where the majority of the pollution is concentrated. By creating a mathematical model for river outflows –- verified by laboratory experiments and fieldwork –- the goal is to be able to predict which areas are most susceptible to pollution from rivers and thus coordinate clean-up
operations as effectively as possible.
Some elements of algebraic geometry – Professor Caucher Birkar (DPMMS)
Time update: this will start at 5:30PM. This will now be in the CMS, MR2.
Monday 2nd December, 5:30PM
Some elements of algebraic geometry
Professor Caucher Birkar (DPMMS)
Algebraic geometry occupies a central place in modern mathematics. It has deep connections with various parts of mathematics. It is also deeply related to mathematical physics and has found applications in a wide range of topics. In this talk I will introduce some basics of algebraic geometry and then discuss some applications.
TMS Call My Bluff
Monday 25th November, 8:30PM
TMS Call My Bluff
An annual tradition, held by the TMS, in which a team of freshers test their lying capabilities against a team of other students in a reconstruction of the cult British TV show.
High-dimensional data and the Lasso – Dr Rajen Shah (DPMMS)
Monday 18th November, 8:30PM
High-dimensional data and the Lasso
Dr Rajen Shah (DPMMS)
How would you try to solve a linear system of equations with more unknowns than equations? Of course, there are infinitely many solutions, and yet this is the sort of the problem statisticians face with many modern datasets, arising in genetics, imaging, finance and many other fields. What’s worse, our equations are often corrupted by noisy measurements! In this talk I will introduce a statistical method called the Lasso that has been at the centre of the huge amount of research that has gone into solving these problems.