The TMS AGM took place virtually yesterday, and a new committee was elected:
President: Valentin Imbach
Vice-president: Sharvil Kesarwani
Constable: Misha Schmalian
Treasurer: Joel Fair
Secretary: Somsubhro Bagchi
Membership Secretary: Artur Avameri
And a message of thanks to all of the community:
In what will be the penultimate email I send as the Secretary of the Trinity Mathematical Society, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
Thank you for attending and enjoying so many talks and events over these years – it has been a pleasure to see the society thrive and grow – from the annual influx of freshers to familiar-faced long-term regulars. Thank you for putting up with all of my emails (with the occasional poem and barely functional puns) over these years, and for the kind replies. And thank you to all the diligent members of the TMS Committee, for making all of this possible, for inviting brilliant speakers and so, so much more.
In my three years of the TMS, I feel fortunate to have shared historic events with the community. In particular, 2018/19 saw the 100th year of the society, with celebrations culminating in the TMS Centenary Dinner and Symposium. 2019/20 was in general excellent, upholding the traditions with the annual ‘TMS Call My Bluff’, Garden Party and a fantastic range of speakers.
Finally, 2020/21 has been unique in many ways. All the committee, especially the President – Misha – have worked hard to make the most of the situation, inviting a diverse range of speakers from various universities around the world. Indeed, our final talk of this term will be delivered by Professor Leonard Susskind of Stanford University in the US.
I sincerely hope that normality will return (in some form!) next year, so that freshers may experience all that the society has to offer – from the talks in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre (with the customary accompanying port/apple juice, and even pre-talk piano playing sometimes?!), the ‘brown-bread’ ice cream at the TMS Garden Party, the annual Symposium and Dinner, and most importantly, the opportunity to meet other TMS members properly in person.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my role over the past three years – and I am glad to be handing it over to Som, who I’m sure will manage excellently – part of next year’s committee headed by the capable hands of Valentin (whose college parents are very proud of him), backed by the expertise of Misha as Constable. I hope to continue attending talks in the future, and as usual, hope to see many of you there!
It has truly been an honour to have been part of this remarkable community. Many thanks for a wonderful three years.
All the best,
Michael Ng
TMS Secretary 2020/21