New Committee

Following the AGM held on Saturday, a new TMS Committee has been elected for 2024/2025:

President: Eleanor MacGillivray
Vice-President: Arunav Maheshwari
Secretary: Dylan Toh
Treasurer: Samuel Liew
Membership Officer: Blaise Mo
Constable: Fredy Yip

Over the coming days, you should receive details concerning ticketing for the TMS Annual Dinner, and information about the Garden Party and the Annual Cricket Match will arrive in due course.

On a personal note, I’ve grateful to have been part of the Committee over the past year, and I’ve enjoyed sharing with you all the activities of the TMS. The fact that the AGM had significant attendance and several competitive elections should certainly bode well for the future of the society. I’m glad to be handing over my role to Dylan, who I’m sure will do an excellent job for the next year, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the TMS evolves under the new committee.

– Jason.

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