TMS Week 7 – Prof. Michel Goemans of MIT

TMS Week 7 – Prof. Michel Goemans of MIT
23 Nov, 8:30pm
Speaking about Discrete Optimization.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 6 – Prof. Ken Ono of Columbia University

TMS Week 6 – Prof. Ken Ono of Columbia University
16 Nov, 8:30pm
Why does Ramanujan “The Man Who Knew Infinity” Matter?

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 5 – Prof. Simon Brendle of Columbia University

TMS Week 5 – Prof. Simon Brendle of Columbia University
9 Nov, 8:30pm
Speaking about Differential Geometry and PDEs.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 4: Prof. Subir Sachdev of Harvard University

This talk has been moved to start at 6PMinstead of the usual 8:30PM. Many thanks for your understanding.

Our fourth talk of the term is given by Professor Subir Sachdev (Harvard). Professor Sachdev was awarded the Dirac Medal from the ICTP in 2018 and is renowned for his work regarding condensed matter. We look forward to seeing you there.

TMS Week 4: Prof. Subir Sachdev of Harvard University
2 Nov, 6pm
Speaking about Quantum Physics.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 3 – Prof. Lisa Piccirillo of MIT

TMS Week 3: Prof. Lisa Piccirillo of MIT
26 Oct, 8:30pm
Speaking about Topology/Knot Theory.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 2 – Prof. Frank Wilczek of MIT (2004 Nobel Prize)

TMS Week 2: Prof. Frank Wilczek of MIT (2004 Nobel Prize)
19 Oct, 8:30pm
Speaking about Quantum Physics.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 1 – Prof. Béla Bollobás (FRS) of Trinity College, Cambridge

TMS Week 1 – Prof. Béla Bollobás (FRS) of Trinity College, Cambridge
12 Oct, 8:30pm
Speaking about Combinatorics.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.


TMS Michaelmas Termcard 2020/21 and Welcome

Dear TMS Members old and new,
A warm welcome from all of us in the Trinity Mathematical Society Committee. With the advent of the 2020/21 academic year, we are delighted to share news regarding an excellent range of speakers, free entry to talks this term, and updated outreach.

Michaelmas Termcard

We are proud to present a diverse range of acclaimed speakers, including a Nobel Prize Winner, professors from Harvard, MIT and Columbia University, and the esteemed Professor Béla Bollobás of Trinity College. Please find the Termcard attached (with an updated design for this year).

Free Entry for Michaelmas Term

For Michaelmas Term only, TMS talks will be available to all. A form will be sent out a few days before each talk, and those who sign up will be sent the Zoom link for the talk on the day. Becoming a member of the TMS traditionally requires £2.50 for lifetime membership, but we have deferred such matters to Lent Term, providing open access to talks this term.

Updated Outreach

We encourage our new members to explore the history of the TMS, now in its 102nd year. You can research further on our website. Updates can also be found on our Facebook group. Starting from this year, we have also implemented a feedback system, should you have any suggestions for new events, feedback for the talks, or any other request in general. All resources are listed below.
We look forward to seeing you at the talks. Details about the first talk and a message from our sponsors, Jump Trading, will be sent in further emails.
All the best,
Michael Ng
TMS Secretary 2020/21

Easter Reading Material

Edit: link is in the pdf, but adding here again for clarity:
Hope everyone is doing well. To provide some entertainment during Easter Term, we’ve asked around for reading recommendation from various academics. All these topics are strictly not Tripos or standard curriculum material. Material ranges from introductory topics to modern research. Please find these attached.
We will set up a forum in due course for people to read and discuss these texts together. If you have issues obtaining the reading material, please email Misha (TMS President) under Enjoy and have fun!

Well Wishes to the TMS Community, TMS AGM 2020-21 Results

The TMS Committee wishes everyone good health and safety through this difficult time. Thank you for being part of the 101-year-old TMS community. We are exploring options for remote events during Easter Term. The TMS AGM happened at the end of term, and a new committee for 2020-2021 was elected:

President: Misha Schmalian
Vice President: David Veres
Secretary: Michael Ng
Junior Treasurer: Arthur Ushenin
Membership Secretary: Valentin Imbach

Constable: –

We are indeed going through difficult times, and indeed, it’s hard to take away anything positive from these circumstances. So I’ll add a mathematical joke in the hope that this email might bring you some light entertainment… (answer below)

Q: Why was the quadratic tree with negative discriminant unable to absorb nutrients?
A: Because it had imaginary roots!