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[TMS] Week 8 – Dr. Henry Wilton (Trinity College, Cambridge)

Our sixth talk of the term is given by Dr. Henry Wilton (Trinity College, Cambridge). He will be talking about ‘Geometry without Calculus‘. Dr Wilton specialises in the fascinating area of geometric group theory, which overlaps with low-dimensional topology. More can be found on his website here

Perhaps I’ll add more personally; I’ve had the pleasure of being supervised by Dr Wilton for 1B Geometry in the past, in addition to having him as my Director of Studies. I can confirm that this promises to be an excellent talk!

We look forward to seeing you there.
TMS Week 8
Speaker: Prof. Henry Wilton (Trinity College, Cambridge)
Date and Time: Monday 15th March, 8:30pm
Title: ‘Geometry without Calculus’
Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

[TMS] Week 7 – Prof. Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)

Our fifth talk of the term is given by Prof. Ana Caraiani, who will be speaking about Algebraic Number Theory. Professor Caraiani’s interests include the celebrated Langlands program, Shimura varieties and arithmetic geometry. She is also an editor for the International Mathematics Research Notices. More information can be found on her website
We look forward to seeing you there.
TMS Week 7
Speaker: Prof. Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)
Date and Time: Monday 8th March, 8:30pm
Speaking about Algebraic Number Theory
Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

[TMS] Week 6 – Prof. Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University)

Our fourth talk of the term is given by Prof. Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University). Professor Riehl will be speaking about Category Theory, for which she has authored multiple books. More information about her work can be found on her website here:
We look forward to seeing you there.
TMS Week 6
Speaker: Prof. Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins University)
Date and Time: Monday 1st March, 8:30pm
Speaking about Category Theory
Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

[TMS] Week 5 – Prof. David Conlon (Caltech)

Our third talk of the term is given by Prof. David Conlon (Caltech). Professor Conlon will be speaking about combinatorics – more information about his work can be found on his website
We look forward to seeing you there.
TMS Week 5
Speaker: Prof. David Conlon (Caltech)
Date and Time: Monday 22nd February, 8:30pm
Speaking about Combinatorics
Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

Week 4 – Prof. Piers Coleman (Rutgers University) – ‘Atoms, Particles and Fractionalization’

Our second talk of the term is given by Prof. Piers Coleman (Rutgers University). Professor Coleman is renowned for his work regarding magnetism, superconductivity and topological insulators. He authored the popular book ‘Introduction to Many-Body Physics’.
We look forward to seeing you there.
TMS Week 4
Speaker: Prof. Piers Coleman (Rutgers University)
Date and Time: Monday 15th February, 8:30pm
‘Atoms, Particles and Fractionalization’
Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

Week 2 – Dr Jeremy Butterfield (Trinity College, Cambridge; All Souls College, Oxford)

Our first talk of the term is given by Dr Jeremy Butterfield (Trinity College, Cambridge; All Souls College, Oxford). Dr Butterfield is renowned for his contributions to philosophical aspects of quantum theory, relativity theory and classical mechanics, pioneering, for example, a detensed theory of time in several papers.

We look forward to seeing you there.

TMS Week 2

Speaker: Dr Jeremy Butterfield (Trinity College, Cambridge; All Souls College, Oxford)

Date and Time: Monday 1st February, 8:30pm

‘A Philosopher Looks at Multiverse Proposals’


Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 7 – Prof. Michel Goemans of MIT

TMS Week 7 – Prof. Michel Goemans of MIT
23 Nov, 8:30pm
Speaking about Discrete Optimization.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 6 – Prof. Ken Ono of Columbia University

TMS Week 6 – Prof. Ken Ono of Columbia University
16 Nov, 8:30pm
Why does Ramanujan “The Man Who Knew Infinity” Matter?

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 5 – Prof. Simon Brendle of Columbia University

TMS Week 5 – Prof. Simon Brendle of Columbia University
9 Nov, 8:30pm
Speaking about Differential Geometry and PDEs.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.

TMS Week 4: Prof. Subir Sachdev of Harvard University

This talk has been moved to start at 6PMinstead of the usual 8:30PM. Many thanks for your understanding.

Our fourth talk of the term is given by Professor Subir Sachdev (Harvard). Professor Sachdev was awarded the Dirac Medal from the ICTP in 2018 and is renowned for his work regarding condensed matter. We look forward to seeing you there.

TMS Week 4: Prof. Subir Sachdev of Harvard University
2 Nov, 6pm
Speaking about Quantum Physics.

Please sign up here, no later than the end of Sunday before the talk. The Zoom link for the talk will be sent to you on Monday.