[TMS] Week 1 – Prof. Tom Fisher

Dear All,
For the first Monday of Lent, we are delighted to have Professor Tom Fisher kick off the term with a number theory talk at MR2, CMS! And, do hang around for pizza and port/juice after the talk!
Title: Local-to-global principles in number theory
Speaker: Professor Tom Fisher
Abstract: One of the basic motivating problems in number theory is to decide whether a system of equations (usually polynomials) has any solutions in integers or rational numbers. Sometimes it is possible to show that such a Diophantine problem has no solutions by working modulo a prime, or a power of a prime, or by showing that there are no real solutions. In such cases we say that there is a local obstruction. In this talk I will give some examples and non-examples of situations where the absence of a local obstruction is sufficient to ensure that the original (global) problem is soluble.
Date: Monday, 27 January
Time: 7pm
Location: MR2, Centre of Mathematical Sciences

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